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Objectives of the Practice

We in collaboration with ALS are committed to transform the students to face not only the competitive examinations but also succeed brilliantly modelling their respective career paths and to grow up to be extra-ordinary citizens of the world.

The Context

Students who are ready to integrate their experiences and varied backgrounds with our top-notch educational programme ALS.

The Practice

The idea of producing a new breed of civil servants and we have seen the lives of innumerable rural girls facing inconvenienceā€¦ as a vision to create integrated women leaders to drive India to new heights.
We want studentsto question, challenge and think creatively, and prepare themselves to take on new concepts and ideas.

Evidence of success

Apart from 20 student appeared for Prelims, 30 students of different streams qualified PGCET with 1-10 Ranks, 15 faculty qualified APRCET and 1 faculty qualified in UGCNET.

For most candidates, passing the exam on the first try is a tedious task. This is not one of those tests that can be passed with half attempts or with distractions.


While pursuing a full-time career or studying regular academics, applicants tend to become impatient to cope with the extensive UPSC exam curriculum and take the exam.