Author Name Title of Paper Name of the Journal Year/Month Publication ISSN / ISBN No
P Jyothi Kumari, D Lumbini Devi, K Swetha,Muralidhar rao Dowlathabad A Review On Mesoporous silica-Nanoparticles in the field of Agriculture. International seminar on Advantages&applications in Applied sciences- 13,14,Oct 2023 ISBN 978-93-90146-57-4
"P jyothi Kumari,Radha Bonu,Farah Thabassum and Aishwarya " "Post vaccination symptoms and its impact on complete vaccination drive in Eluru,District Eluru, AP" International seminar on Advantages&applications in Applied sciences- 13,14,Oct 2023 ISBN 978-93-90146-57-4
Jyothi Kumari, Radha Bonu, B. Supraja "IMPACT OF ANAEMIA ON LOW BIRTH WEIGHT BABIES IN PREGNANT WOMENATTENDING ANGANWADIES AT RURAL AREAS OF ELURU DIST." Advantages&applications in Applied sciences- 13,14,Oct 2023 ISBN 978-93-90146-57-4ICAS – 29B
Jyothi Kumari, P., Lumbini Devi, D., Swetha,K., Dowlathabad,MR APPLIcATION OF MICROBIALLY SYNTHESIZED NANOPARTICLES TO FOOD SCIENCE SPRINGER Publisher 5th September 2023 ISBN:978-981-99-2808-8
Dr M EstherKalyani Asirvadam, P Jyothi Kumari Impact of education on Empowering women and enabling them to persue their dreams Aadhar single blind peer-reviewed &refereed indexed multidisciplinary International Research Journal Nov 2023 ISSN-2278-9308,
Dr P Jyothi Kumari,Dr M Esther Kalyani Asirvadam Kitchen Garden: a Sustainable Approach to Food Security Multidisciplinary Approach for sustainable Nutrition Security Text book 2023 ISBN: 978-81-962340-6-5
Jyothi Kumari,P.,D Lumbini Devi,D., KSwetha,K., Dowlathabad,MR., "Biocatalytic Synthesis of Nanoscale materials for sensoristic and biomedical applications "SPRINGER NATURE MICROBIAL PROCESSES FOR SYNTHESIZING NANOMATERIALS Chapter first online 5th Sep,2023 978-981-99-2808-8
"Author position 6th communicated" Nanotechnology in Biomedical Imaging: from bench to bedside "Nano World Journal" 2023"