Research & Publications

Research & Publications


Quality assessment of how parents perceive eating patterns,growth and nutritional status in their children with Sickle cell diseases and barriers to participation in a nutrition intervention programe
Name of the author Journal Name Date/month/year Paper Presented Publication Details
Dr.A.Padmavathi International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and socialsciences IJRANSS June - 2016 Studies on Pectinolytic bacteria useful in fruit juice industry ISSN(P): 2347 -4580 ;ISSN (E) : 2321-8851 Vol. 4, Issue 6, Jun 2016, 75-82 (Impact Factor (JCC) 2.7341)
Dr.A.Padmavathi International journal of current research May 2017 Screening of potential bacteria for polygalacturonase production from different crop field soils, International journal of current research ISSN: 0975-833X,Vol. 9, Issue, 05. May, 2017 , 4974-4979 Impact Factor -7.992
Dr.A.Padmavathi International journal of research March 2017 Cyber crimes its impact on Indian families life and Economy ISSN: 2236-6124’, March, 2017,150-162,IF-5.7
Dr.A.Padmavathi European Journal of biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences 2019 Surveilance on communicable disease -Influenza ISSN 2349-8870,VOL-6,Issue 9- , 2019, 124-126
Dr.A.Padmavathi International journal of research-IMRF-Life sciences Nov 2019 Partial purification and characterization of Exopolygalacturonase from B.axarquiensis 213
Dr.A.Padmavathi International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research(IJMER) July 2021 Screening of Lignin degrading bacteria from field soil samples for an eco friendly environment, Volume: 10, Issue: 7, July 2021 with ISSN: 2277-7881,
Mrs. Y.Neeraja European Journal of Biomedical AND Pharmaceutical sciences 03/08/2019 Optimizing the critical environmental factors influencing the growth and lipid production of microalgae ISSN 2349-8870 Volume: 6 Issue: 9 144-154
Mrs. Y.Neeraja ICIDMDT-2018 International Conference on Innovative Domains of Mathematics and Digital Technology 27th-28th,Nov 2018 Arduino implementation of NFC based medical Equipment maintenance ISSN NO:2394-2886 Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research
Mrs. Y.Neeraja European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research 27/01/2018 Assessment Of Bio Oil Production From Mixed Algal Cultures From Godavari Region Against Microflora Responsible For Gi Track Infections ISSN 2394-3211 EJPMR ejpmr, 2018,5(2), 450-453
Mrs. Y.Neeraja European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research 30-05-2017 Optimization Of Process Variables For Production Of Bio Oil From Mixed Algal Culture From Tammileru Lake And Godvari River ISSN 2394-3211 EJPMR ejpmr, 2017,4(6), XXX-XXX
Mrs. Y.Neeraja STC SCHOLAR VISION JAN-DEC.2016 Qualitative assesment of parents on the nutritional status on the children with sickel cell anemia ISSN 2321-6425,ISSUE.5 (JAN-DEC.2016) PAGE33
Mrs. Y.Neeraja 2nd A.P Science Congress-2016:Life Agricultural Sciences &Biotechnology 7-9th Nov 2016 Optimization of process parameters for bio oil production by mixed algal cultures from thammeluru stream and Godavari River LASBS-PP-104 Page:362
Mrs. Y.Neeraja IN-Research Article- published paper in European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research SJIF Impact Factor 3.628 17/09/2016 Renewable energy resource management-production of oil from algae ISSN 3294-3211EJPMR 2043
Mrs. Y.Neeraja International Conference "The challenges Of Moving Ahead ;From Deprival To Dignity Of Details 6,7&8/11/2014 social-economic security is the need of the hour for dalits in scientific world.'s autonomous college for women
Sr.Sunila Rani May- 2019 Biosynthesis Of Sliver Nanoparticles And Their Antioxidant And Anti Fungal Activity Of Leaf Extracts Of Acanthus lllicifolius ISSN 2236-6124 volume-8 issue 5
Sr.Sunila Rani May- 2019 Green Synthesis And Characterisation Of Sliver Nano Particles Using The Mangrove Plant Leaf Extracts Of Suaeda maritima And Its Antibacterial Activity ISSN NO:1076-5131 volume -6 issue 5
Sr.Sunila Rani International Journal of Biological & Pharmaceutical Researche Aug 2017 CHARACTERIZATION AND ANTIMICROBIAL POTENTIAL OF BIOSYNTHESIZED AgNPs USING Avicennia alba - ISSN 0976 - 3651 Print ISSN 2229 - 7480 pages 74-78
Sr.Sunila Rani STC Scholars vision 2016 ISSN 2321-6425
D.Lumbini devi IN-Research Article- published paper in European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research SJIF Impact Factor 3.628 17/09/2016 Renewable energy resource management-production of oil from algae ISSN 3294-3211EJPMR 2043