

    The Library is kept open from 8.00 a.m to 6.00 p.m on all working days. Issue counter works from 9.00 a.m to 4.30 p.m.
    The Library is open to all college members. Non members may be admitted to the library only with the permission of the Principal.
    The staff members are entitled to borrow 6 books at a time for a period of three months and periodicals (back numbers only) for three days. Sub-lending is forbidden.
    The P.G. students shall be allowed to borrow 4 books at a time for a period of 15 days. The degree students may borrow 2 books at a time for a week days. If however a book is in great demand the number of days may be reduced.
    Books must be borrowed and returned in person. On borrowing a book, it should be examined at once and the issue assistants’ attention should be called at any defect therein.
    Every member borrowing a book from the library shall be responsible for its safe custody until its return and in the event of any loss or pay such compensation as may be fixed by the librarian. If a volume belonging to a set is lost the reader may be asked to replace the whole set.
    Borrowers failing to return books within the prescribed period shall pay a fine of one rupee per volume per day. If the due date happens to be a Sunday or a holiday, books shall be returned on the working day without fail.
    No member shall be allowed to bring her books, printed matter or periodicals inside the library without the Librarian`s permission.
    All library users should pass through the counter to check all books borrowed before they leave the library.


    Special and Quick reference books cannot be taken outside the library.
    All students must return their library tickets atleast 15 days before examinations. In case of students who fail to settle their Library dues shall be dealt accordingly.
    Loss of Library ticket or ID card should be reported to the Librarian who after investigation may issue duplicate ticket after obtaining a written understanding from the borrower to the effect that she will be responsible for the books that are found to have been charged on her lost tickets.
    Original tickets found after the issue of duplicate should not be used but returned to the Library.
    All the members shall leave the library ten minutes before the closing time.
    The student borrower ceases to be a member as soon as the final year examinations are over.
    PRINTED AND OTHER MATERIALS are not allowed into the Library
    However, whenever a student or a member of the Library is leaving the institution, the Librarian is authorized to issue ‘No Dues “ at the end of the II,IV,IV semester all users should get their NO DUES from the library.

Non-members: shall not be admitted to the Library except when they are introduced by a member of the teaching staff or any officer of the College