Arrangement & Display of books and Journals:
In Library, books are shelved according to Decimal Classification Scheme to arrange them in a helpful sequence to facilitate easy location of books sought by the users. The library follows open access system. To assist the user in locations the needed books all kinds of bay & shelf guides, direction and sign boards are provided in the library.
Current Issues of Periodicals are displayed on display racks in the Periodical Section. (Alphabet order). Once the volume of the periodical is complete, all the loose issues, which constitute the volume, will be sent for binding from the periodical section. The bound Volumes, which are also called as back Volumes, of the periodical are classified and catalogued and are kept in the Back Volume section. There is separate reference section in the library containing Reference Text books, En cyclopaedias and Dictionaries. News papers are kept in along with New Arrival section with adequate reading facility.
Other physical facilities :
The library building is located in specious area. Proper care is taken to provide good Ventilation and lighting within the library to create congenial environment for browsing and reading the library materials in different sections of the library.
Circulation Section:
Daily about 200 books are being issued, returned besides 500 Books or periodicals consulted in the Library in the Reference and Text Book Hall and in Stack Areas.
Reference And Documentation Service:
On an average about 50 Xerox copies are being supplied to readers on request, on an average 30 inquiries of various nature are being attended.
Scannin & Printing
Internet - Wi-Fi Connection
Access to INFLIBNET Database
Access to UGC E – Journals (List of Web-sites available)
As on date Database of 97,572 records of Books, Research Theses and Journals were created in Libman Networking Software. Acquisitions, Technical and Periodicals modules are functioning.
CCTV Systems are successfully operating in the Library.
Xeroxing and Scanning facility:
Students & Staff of this College can get Xerox and scanned copies of their requirement of Library material only.
Internet facility:
Staff, Research Scholars and Students of this College can utilize Internet facility on working days, as per the guidelines of the library.
Orientation Training:
Library staff is conducting Orientation Programmes on purposeful and effective usage of the Library to the newly admitted students of different departments at the beginning of the year.
C.D`s collection started with an initial collection of 653 CD ROMs in Various disciplines.
Infrastructure :
Server PC with LAN connectivity with 25 ComputersWi-Fi connected
Libman Library software
Barcode Printer and scanner
Photo copier