History of the Department
M.sc Mathematics course commenced from the academic year 1999-2000 with staff members-Dr.G. Lalitha, M.Sc. M. Tech Ph.D and Mrs.K.L. Saraswathi M.Sc. B.Ed. No.of students admitted are 22.Prof. Narasimha Murthy & RJD Hariviltal Visited the college in connection with the grant for M.sc. Maths course in August. M.Sc Mathematics department provided a platform to the students to explore their hidden talentsand to encourage them to face any challenge socially and academically and it was names as i.e. Wisdom club
- In this program students share their ideas about Historical Events of Mathematics and Mathematicians, Mathematical models. To improve the creative skills puzzles and gamesCompetitions(debate and quiz) are also conducted
- Panal Discussion by the students on the importance and applications of various branches of Mathematics.
- Dr.Sr.Marietta Pudota – Former principal & P.G.Director Award, Awarded by P.G. Students of 2011-12 Batch for a merit student in P.G. Mathematics in the University Examination.
- Dr.Mrs.G.Lalitha M.Sc.,M.Tech,Ph.D.Rtd.Head of the Dept.of Mathematics and Computer Science award awarded by MCA ,M.Sc. Computer & M.Sc. Mathematics 2001-02 batch students for a Meritorious students
- Achievements M.Sc Mathematics department achieved Pratibha awards announced by state government for the past 3 years.
2016-18 batch Students G.Charishma and Md.Neha mehatab got the “PRATHIBA” award from the Adikavi nanayya university.
- M.Sc mathematics gives students who want to work in Science,Engineering or Computing a solid core education
- Most Degree program requires a research component, so students can get a feel for how to use their new skills in the real world.
- Innovative,Invent and solve complex Mathematical problems using the knowledge of pure mathematics