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Examination Cell

Introduction of Examination System:

The examination cell is the backbone of the autonomy and for the past 37 years (since 1987) it has taken the lead to develop a strong functional and successful system. The strong traditions combined with modern technology makes the heart of autonomy to function effectively in designing need based curricula, providing multifaceted learning experiences, through innovative and challenging program options. With the onset of the new educations policy 2020, Choice based credit system, online testing, online results, online student progress from entry to exit are some of the best practices in the evaluation system in practice.

Sr.Ernestine Fernandes
Dr.Sr.Suseela M

Controller of Examination


Examination Committee

Examination Committee works with the aim of reviewing and planning the new strategies in the examination system periodically. Examination committee also looks into the grievances from the students if any to relieve the students from fear and tension.

The EC shall ensure proper performance of the various duties in conducting examinations viz. paper setting, time table preparation, assessment and declaration of results.

Committee Members
S.No Department Faculty Name Designation Photo
1 Management Dr.Sr.Mercy P Principal
2 Management Dr.Sr.Maria Christia Vice-Principal
3 Controller of Examination Dr.Sr.Susheela 1997
4 Zoology Dr.K.S.V.K.S.Madhavi rani Associate Professor
5 Commerce Mr.S.B.V.Subhrahmanyam Associate Professor
6 Chemistry Dr.V.Nagalakshmi Associate Professor
7 Home Science Dr.M.Padmaja Associate Professor
8 English Mrs.R.Sonia Priyadarshini Assistant Professor
Moderation of Question Papers and Model Answers:

Moderation is the process by which the Institution ensures the consistency of question papers within the framework of the syllabus, thereby ensuring consistency of assessment for all students. It also ensures that weightage within a module is appropriate and conforms to the blueprint and other guidelines issued by the Board of Studies, thereby ensuring fairness, accuracy and consistency in marking and the provision of results. With this intention, the moderation committee is constituted from the Academic Year 2017-18.

The Chairman, Examinations Committee, shall appoint “Moderation Committee” for the purpose of moderation of question papers of the Semester End Examinations submitted by various paper setters / subject faculty.

Composition of the Committee: The Moderation Committee shall consist of the Principal as Chairman; the Academic Coordinator as Member; the Chairman of the concerned Board of Studies, as Members and the Controller of Examinations as member Secretary.

Functions of the Committee:

  • shall ensure that the questions are from within the syllabus and framed in a manner intelligible to the student.
  • shall ensure that the coverage and level of the question paper are appropriate and consistent with the curriculum and assessment framework.
  • shall ensure that the question paper contains no ambiguity and the wording of each question is precise, definite and easily understandable
  • shall ensure that the rubric for the question paper is correct
  • shall ensure that the question paper model conforms to the scheme of evaluation submitted by the paper setters.
  • shall ensure that the scheme of evaluation is sufficiently flexible and detailed
  • shall ensure that there are no spelling mistakes or other errors in the question paper.

In case, the moderation is done in a question paper is more than 30% (not merely edited), the case shall be reported with full justification to the Chairman, Examinations Committee, who shall have the power to change the paper setter, if necessary. After moderation, the question papers and other material shall be sealed intact in the presence of all members.

The Powers and Duties of Examination Committee (EC):
  1. The EC shall recommend examination reforms and shall implement them after the approval of Academic Council (AC).
  2. The EC shall prepare the detailed time table of examinations as per the Schedule approved by Academic Council.
  3. The EC shall arrange for strict vigilance during the conduct of examinations in order to avoid use of unfair means/ malpractices by the students, faculty and invigilators.
  4. Complaint Redressal Committee (CRC) shall be an independent committee consisting of three members appointed by Chairman, EC as and when required to deal with the complaints related to the conduct of examinations.
  5. The recommendations of the CRC shall be approved by the Chairman and EC to take appropriate disciplinary actions in the concerned matter. The disciplinary actions shall be endorsed by the EC.
  6. For any meeting of EC, one-third members shall constitute a quorum.
  7. The members of EC shall meet at least twice during the academic year and at other times as and when necessary.
  8. The various formats shall be prepared by EC for record keeping and monitoring all examination related activities.
  9. The EC shall perform such duties and responsibilities that are assigned by Academic Council of the institute from time to time.

Examination Reforms

Reforms in the Examination process and IT integration for an increased automation

S.No Reform Purpose
1 LINWAYS software with ERP Reduces repetitive works
Giving required data access to the stakeholders
2 Students Login to apply for examination To increase speed and automation
3 Staff Login to enter CA marks To enter CA marks, verify the examination data, check for exams qualification & counsel students if necessary
4 Online download of hall tickets Accurate examination schedule with every student
Reduces time and labour
Possibility to cross check for accuracy of personal data for certificates
5 Online Exams Use of technology
Managing time
6 Disabled friendly examination system & methodology Encourage the differently abled students to perform based on this abilities
Using individual’s assessment methodology.
7 Online Genuiness verification To increase speed and access
8 Online support for study abroad To make it easy to obtain transcripts and documents for study abroad
9 Online – feedback process Increases the speed in redressal of grievances and immediate possibility to take necessary action.
10 Online Application – for certificates and documents Increased Automation
Reduced manpower
S.No Reform Purpose
1 Bar coding of answer scripts Increase the speed and accuracy of result processing
Maintaining secrecy in coding of paper
2 Open Book examination To give the students the ability of analysis and synthesis
Increase comprehension capacity.
3 MCQs in V semester To promote comprehensive and in-depth learning
4 Digital Exams To prepare the students for competitive exams
5 Use of OMR Sheets Coding and speed of processing, secrecy
Increased automation
6 Online Publications of results Use of technological advancements
7 Pre-printed attendance sheets and seating arrangements in exam hall To reduce labour
8 Computerized Hall-tickets with digital photograph & digital exam schedule Increased Automation
9 Digital marks statement with 6 security features To avoid Malpractices
10 Use of Dot.Net software in exam cell Increased efficiency and accuracy